Resizing the Fit ~ 12 April 2012

Certainly Earth seems to be resizing with a series of significant to huge earthquakes in the past days distributed from the Gulf of California through the Pacific. Maybe we should take notes from our home planet and shake off static, negativity and settle into more solid foundations.

Certainly the astrological signatures support such an effort. Yesterday the Sun made his annual track by the goddess of discord, Eris. Tomorrow, Friday the 13th - not that it adds impact other than the superstitious - Mars mercifully reverses course in Virgo, returning the status quo of prograde motion. As he does so, he stands opposite dwarf planet 225088, Neptune and more widely Chiron, while conveniently nudging close to the other Pluto, Orcus. And Mercury, after his mix master moments in retrograde, completes the last degrees of Pisces, in strong aspect to the core of the galaxy.

The square of Mercury to the Galactic Center offers the most subtle tones of the planetary swirl of the next days. If March winds linger into this month and continue to whip things about, are there sounds of inspiration in the breeze driven noises? Chances are, yes. If attuned to the whispers of the muses, one might hear the subtle suggestions and invoke the associated inspirations, thus fulfilling the promise of progressive innovations seeking to drop down from galactic data archives into the workings of the real world. Those who follow the inspirations rendered, take great strides forward in being one of the innovators of the next phase of worldly evolution, leading through June and into July.

Mars’ station opposite Chiron offers up great promise of restorative work to any sagging psyche. Mars might decide to take some first steps of initiation applied to the prevailing inspirations. Such actions neatly work to offset any Chironic ailments, thus offering a soothing salve of consciousness reconstruction. Should Chiron in Pisces with Neptune and the new, compassion-based dwarf planet 225088, observe any internal sense of inadequacy - real or imagined - the acts of Mars can add to one’s action profile, build experience and gather wisdom, all intending to build tolerance and acceptance toward one’s own inner workings. Any action taken, inspiration applied and internal forgiveness rendered resizes the fit of one’s soul into the being.

However, Mars at station is with Orcus, the Etruscan mythic counterpart of Pluto. Specifically, Orcus is the keeper of oaths. Should a person declare a certain agenda and fail to fulfill it, Orcus steps in and addresses the matter. Often matters of Orcus have nothing to do with receiving a lousy performance review, or being slapped with a failure to perform in terms of contract lawsuit. It’s the inner stuff that has the most impact. Declaring a course of action and abandoning it, leaves one open for the liberation of inner critics and judges, harsher than any panel on a reality show.

Quelling the vitriol of inner demons can be quite a task. Should an incomplete be given by inner editors, maybe the time has arrived to turn in the hall pass and get back to work on applying recent ideas, inventions and working in the garden where seeds of consciousness were recently planted. That seems to be the ticket, and in fact, will restore the healing efforts of Chiron that really, really want to support a personal sense of value and acceptability in life at large. Neptune lines up with such efforts, augmenting inspiration, hope and blind faith in one’s dharma.

That all sounds good... and it is... and there is one more matter in the short term to add to the mix. The Sun just passed by the “sensitive to snub, hate to be excluded, I can help Jupiter reverse order and right any wrong,” dwarf planet Eris. Yes, if you use and apply the transformative constructs of Pluto, you cannot not use Eris. Initially believed to be notably larger than Pluto and working to force her way into the fit with that fact, it is now known that the two planets are reasonably close in size as determined by diameter. However, Eris is more dense, significantly tighter in her internal packing, which demands more focus and specifically, a precisely defined intention and accompanying strategy for soulful unfoldment.

Realizing the Sun signifies conscious attention and overt awareness, this annual passage asks everyone to reevaluate their fit in life. Should one feel ignored, rejected, abandoned, disregarded or forsaken, ask a few soul-strategic questions. If you were to fit in with what you feel snubs you, would it further your purpose, bolster your esteem, or make you a more formidable contender in life? If no, why pursue such a thing?

The Eris-Sun dynamic demands finding a perfect fit. If need be, shrink or shunt useless efforts and activities such that your dynamical boundaries do not reach beyond your interest, soulful compatibility or real world capability. Abandon efforts that do not feed your dharmic aspirations. Release any obsessive behavior about fitting into something that does not suit your soul. Shed addiction to status and success such that you find a place in real world and other world activities that cause you spirit to sing. Anything else delivers sour notes in your personal concerto of consciousness.

It’s time to prepare for the upcoming Venus transit to the Sun. This is a big, globally shifting pattern. Those who know their value and where they fit will be the players to watch. Here’s a good first step: resize your fit.